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Terms & Conditions

As a leading educational consultant, Association for Teaching Excellence (ATE) believes in transparency and accountability. Our terms and conditions define the rules and regulations for using our services and the relationship between our clients and us. We provide customized services to our clients, ranging from curriculum development to teacher training, and our terms and conditions are designed to protect both parties involved.

What do our terms and conditions cover?

Our terms and conditions cover the following topics:

Eligibility to use our services

Key terms of our services

Right to modify or discontinue services

Warranties and responsibilities

Intellectual property rights

Account termination policy


Limitation of liability

Governing law and dispute resolution

Contact information

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and does not cover all possible scenarios. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please note that the information provided here is for general guidance only and should not be considered legal advice. We recommend that you seek professional legal advice to ensure that your terms and conditions comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

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